n 1979, computer graphics on d home computers were just being invented. These were new images, the black screen with the large dots. Most of the exhibits were interactive. The exhibitions include:

1980 SpaceLace, Women's Building, Los Angeles, CA 1986 SIGGRAPH'86 Art Exhibit

1981 Online, Palo Alto Cultural Center

1982 The Artist in the Lab, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA (Interactive Installation)

1982 The Artist and the Computer, Long Beach Museum of Art, CA (Interactive Installation).

1982 Galeria Sanchez, San Francisco

1987 SIGGRAPH Art Show

1988 Los Angeles Museum of Science

1987 Xicano Progeny, Mexican Museum of Art, San Francisco

Galeria Sanchez 1986

Palo Alto Cultural Center 1982

Mexican Museum 1987

Los Angeles Museum of Science 1988

Us Festival