I was painting portraits in oils when I first got the Apple II. One of the first things I did on the Apple II was create portraits. The first portraits were alien-like because of the computer hardware and software limitations. In creating the software package Designer's Tool Kit, we expanded the vocabulary of the software, and the images were more patterned and complex. I learned how little information was required to create a portrait. I got a video scanner, Computer Eyes, for the Apple II. I created portraits of well-known people and was amazed at how little information was needed to distinguish a person.

"In Grossberger's work what you see is really af form of animation; you watch one image of David bowie change into another one and then another one for as long as you want. These dynamic screen changes are created by writing a BASIC program that accesses each image. Watching one image turn into another is a fascinating, almost mesmerizing experience. Indeed, "Changes" provides a unique artistic vision that would never have been possible without the computer." IIComputing June/July 1986